The Society was founded in its present form in 1980, with its main aims being to
- Promote, through education and other means, interest in Greek culture, life and thought, both past and present.
- Provide opportunities for social contact between local and Greek members.
- Co-operate with other bodies having similar aims.
Since 2015, it has been a charity registered with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator –
Registration Number SC046195. Our charitable purpose is the advancement of education, the arts, heritage and culture. We deliver our aims and purpose by:
- Providing a range of talks and meetings on ancient and modern Greek topics.
- Arranging social events which bring together Society members and local Greek families, including our annual Greek Evening and Easter Party.
- Promoting cultural events through musical evenings and film showings.
- Providing a range of Modern Greek language classes for adults and children.
- Co-operating with other organisations, particularly the Aberdeen University Greek and Cypriot Students Society and the other Scottish Hellenic Societies and Communities Membership is open to anyone who is interested in our activities
A membership card is issued as a receipt of subscription.
If you interested in the Society and wish further information, pleases contact email: aberdeenhellenicsociety@gmail.com or download the membership form from the relevant section.